4. How we are positioning our portfolios
In environments like today’s, where markets are consumed by uncertainty, portfolio asset diversification has a key role. That’s why MoraBanc’s current recommendation is to stay invested, but with diversified exposure to Fixed Income and Equity.
In terms of Fixed Income, the general rise in the interest rate curve has improved fixed income’s relative attractiveness compared to just a couple of months ago, and the expected return (IRR) is continuing to rise. It is also worth remembering that Fixed Income has shown itself to be a good asset class to de-link portfolio returns in difficult times for risk assets, which is why we recommend retaining exposure to hedge possible worsening of the macroeconomic situation.
In terms of Equity, we remain positive on this asset class because the growth of the economy in real terms is expected to exceed 4% this year, well above the historic average. Also, the high valuations at which we said goodbye to 2021 have moderated, particularly in growth companies. In terms of sectors, we are positive in cyclical industries such as energy and finance.