How does your ongoing innovation process work?
Digital progress is being made at a staggering rate. Technologies soon become obsolete and adding or developing the structures to encourage their use is not easy and quite often impractical. To be a digital leader, MoraBanc is in contact with groups, entrepreneurs and companies that are just one step ahead.
By working with them, we are aware of the trends that can be disruptive and those that can add differential value to the business, and we endeavour to deliver a better service now and to prepare that tools that will make a difference in the future.
On the one hand, we are developing a highly innovative support program for entrepreneurs with the prestigious start-up accelerator Ship2B that is based in Barcelona. This is partly because this project is a mainstay in our commitment to society and entrepreneurship, but also because it enables us to be in contact with the world of entrepreneurs in Andorra and to feed off their ideas and vitality.
On the other hand, we seek out partners able to respond to the bank’s projects and specific needs without having to expand the organisation’s permanent structure too much. We work with fintech companies such as Ibenta, which helps us to come up with artificial intelligence solutions for our online and mobile search engines; with QuickBlox, which provides us with the latest proposals to enhance chats between customers and managers; and with Web Financial Group as the driver behind our online broker project.
We also sit on the ANDblockchain committee in Andorra devoted to blockchain technology and we belong to business associations in Andorra such as the Actinn initiative, promoted by the Government of Andorra in the framework of its Smart Country project. In such a specialised world we cannot take everything on at once and it often pays off to surround yourself with the most outstanding and innovative people from each field to implement improvements and the latest proposals.