
  • For residents in Andorra.
  • Loan of up to 100% of the car’s or motorbike’s price (maximum 60,000€).
  • Loan with a personal guarantee in order to finance the purchase of new or second-hand vehicles that aren’t older than 3 years.
  • You can choose 3-month, 6-month and 1-year Euribor interest rate. It will be reviewed periodically in accordance with the chosen Euribor.
  • Granted within a maximum period of 5 days, as long as all required documents have been provided.
    See required documents
  • You will get the entire capital at once, at the beginning of the transaction.
  • Repayment period of up to 5 years, provided the client’s retirement age is not exceeded.
  • You will enjoy preferential conditions based on your degree of loyalty with the bank.
    See terms and conditions
  • Your salary must be directly deposited into a MoraBanc account.
  • In cases where you don’t have a salary, we will require personal guarantees from relatives or other additional collateral.
  • You can choose the day of the receipt date of the charge.